Waratah Weekly - Term 4, Edition 9 - Friday, 13 December 2024
Thank You

The past year has been a remarkable journey, filled with learning, growth and positive community building. We are deeply grateful for the unwavering support of our parents and carers, who partner with us to provide an exceptional education founded on Learning, Care and Culture. This is truly a remarkable partnership as we guide our children and students together.
We extend our sincere thanks to our dedicated staff, who work tirelessly to create a nurturing and inspiring environment for our students. Their commitment to excellence is instrumental in shaping the future generation. I feel blessed to be part of an amazing team of people who serve our College community with excellence in their areas of expertise.
To our students, we commend your hard work, perseverance and positive spirit. Your contributions to our College community and to your own learning, are truly inspiring.
I would like to thank and honour our Lord Jesus Christ, whose guiding hand is over all that we do. Without Him, we could do nothing and it is our joy and privilege to serve the King of kings each day.
As we embark on a new year, we pray that the upcoming Christmas break brings joy, rest and renewal. We look forward to welcoming you back to Wollondilly Anglican College, ready to embrace new challenges and opportunities.
Mr Trevor Norman
College Headmaster
College Holiday Hours
- 8.00 am - 3.30 pm
- The College will be closed from Christmas Day to Monday, 6 January 2025
Performing Arts News

Picton Carols
Congratulations to the three Junior Choirs who participated in the recent Picton Carols at the Picton Botanic Gardens last Friday evening. Our T-K Choir, Stage 1 Choir and Primary Choir (3-6) all sang beautifully in the gardens before a receptive crowd. The T-K and Stage 1 Choir sang 'Go Tell It On the Mountain’, the Primary Choir (3-6) performed 'God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen' and all three groups performed together a wonderful arrangement of 'Sing for the King'.
Many thanks to the staff that accompanied the groups in the gardens. These included Mrs Buckley, Mrs Manning, Mrs Schlosser and Mrs Apps, as well as Mr Hopkins for his involvement.
Mr Lloyd Grant
Performing Arts Coordinator T-12

Scholarship Applications 2026/2027

Just a reminder that applications are open for Scholarships for the 2026-2027 period. If your child will be in Year 7, Year 9 or Year 11 in 2026, you can apply for an Academic, Music or Dance Scholarship.
Applications will close on Friday, 31 January 2025 so please make sure they are submitted/handed in to me before then as applications will not be accepted past this date.
Please see the below link for the information and reach out if you have any questions:
Have a lovely break
Mrs Madilyn Shelley
Enrolments Officer
MyTech - IT Reminders

As we finish up for the year, I would like to remind current Secondary students and their parents of a few things for 2025.
If you still have a loan device, these are now due back to the College Office
Please ensure that you have a working device for the start of the College year
If you are thinking of purchasing a new device for next year, please check the minimum system requirements with the MyTech page https://mytech.wac.nsw.edu.au/
devices.html If you do make a new purchase in the holidays, please visit the MyTech page https://mytech.wac.nsw.edu.au/
software.html and download the correct SSL certificate and whatever software you need for your classes
If you have any questions about the MyTech program in the College please email mytech@wac.nsw.edu.au
Mr Craig Russell
Secondary Learning Innovations Coordinator
German News - Year 7 Gingerbread Houses

Year 7 have continued to enjoy decorating Gingerbread Houses. This lovely tradition dates from the medieval origins of gingerbread through to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, such as Hansel and Gretel.
Frohe Weihnachten!
Frau Carolyn Clark
German Teacher

From the College Chaplain

With Christmas just around the corner, it’s hard to believe how quickly the year has passed. Every year, I find myself asking, "Where has the year gone?" Time seems to fly. As I reflect on the year, I often ask myself, "Have I used my time wisely?"
The answer to this question can vary for each of us, as what we value and consider important influences how we spend our time. The Bible teaches that the wisest way to use our time is to grow closer to God. The good news of Christmas is that God has reached out to us through Jesus, making it possible for us to know Him and draw near to Him.
As we spend time with family and friends this Christmas, let’s remember that the greatest gift of all is Jesus. The Bible encourages us to prioritise our relationship with Him, living in light of God’s love. Part of the beauty of the Gospel is that as we grow closer to Jesus, we are also enabled to be more caring and compassionate in our relationships with others.
This Christmas, I encourage you to spend your time wisely—cherishing time with family and friends and enjoying the blessings of community. But in the midst of these good gifts, let’s not forget the greatest gift of all: the gift of Jesus.
Mr Matthew Roberts
College Chaplain
Primary Christmas Chapel

We're Hiring - 2025
We are currently seeking applications for the following roles to commence in 2025:
- Learning Support Teacher - Secondary Focus 7-12
For further information on any of the permanent positions, please contact Mr Geoff Adams on 02 4684 2577 or at g.adams@wac.nsw.edu.au

P&F Clothing Pool

The Clothing Pool offers a selection of pre-loved uniform items from Transition to Year 12 at very reasonable prices.
For 2025, the Clothing Pool will open on Friday, 31 January 2025 from 7.30 am - 9.30 am.
We also stock new ties and socks.
The Clothing Pool relies on donations of uniforms and needs volunteers to keep the Clothing Pool open. Donations can be left at the Clothing Pool during opening hours or at Student Reception at other times.
Payment: Card Only (no cash)
Location: White Cottage through the side windows
Monday to Friday 7.45 am to 8.30 am
Phone: (02) 4623 0286
Email: clothingpool@wac.nsw.edu.au
Have you been wanting to help out at the College but don’t have much time to spare? The Clothing Pool is looking for volunteers! Volunteering for 45 minutes just one morning a week is a great, quick and simple way to really help the WAC community.
Training provided (but it’s so easy!) A great way to meet other parents.
Volunteers are needed for Monday - Friday mornings between 7.45 am to 8.30 am. If you are able to help at all, please get in contact.
Mrs Cristina Negi and Mrs Amanda Coles
P&F Clothing Pool Coordinators

College Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
- Narellan Pools
- NSW Rail Museum
- ESP Security
Community News
Yeronga School Uniforms - Holiday Hours
- Yeronga Tahmoor will be closing on Thursday, 19 December 2024 at 5.30 pm.
- Yeronga Tahmoor will reopen on Thursday, 2 January 2025 at 9.00 am.
- Trading Hours at this point will be Tuesday & Wednesday 9.30 am - 4.30 pm, Thursday 9.00 am - 5.30 pm, Saturday 9.00 am - 12.00 pm (18 & 25 January & 1 February only)
- Lines to get into the store can be long during January, so we ask parents to be patient. We may be asking all customers to wait until they are asked to enter the store to make sure we are not overcrowded and can serve each customer.
- You can also order online – www.yerongauniforms.com
Name the Crane Colouring-In Comp
We have an exciting colouring-in opportunity for children in Wollondilly to help us name the Crane as it builds the new Government Services Building. A fun activity for the end of the year as we head towards Christmas and the new year.
Please see the attached colouring-in page ready for printing out and sharing with your students. Entries need to be returned to Council by Friday 17 January 2025 and can be easily dropped at the Council Administration Building front counter, scanned and emailed to council@wollondilly.nsw.gov.au or mailed to Wollondilly Shire Council, 62-64 Menangle Street, Picton, NSW 2571. The winner will be notified by phone on 22 January and the winning crane name will be seen on the Crane.
Further Information on the Government Services Building
Construction of the brand new Government Services Building (GSB) by Kane Constructions is now underway in the Picton Town Centre and is due for completion in late 2026. This building is designed for Council and other government services to help us prepare for the future growth of the Shire and will enable us to be well-equipped to serve our community.
This new building forms part of the Wollondilly Cultural Precinct which includes the renovated Wollondilly Shire Hall and new Wollondilly Performing Arts Centre recently opened, with a new Library and Arts Space to come
Find out more about this project via the link here
We look forward to receiving your children’s entries and Good Luck to everyone who takes part!
Kind regards
Kersti Martin
Acting GSB/Precinct Coordinator

Little Elves Vacation Care Program December
Exciting Christmas Workshops for Students in Picton
As we approach the holiday season, we wanted to be sure the youth of our area had access to positive creative experiences. So, we are excited to offer a series of fun and engaging workshops for local students, aimed at giving them a creative and enjoyable way to spend their time leading up to Christmas.
Our workshops engage local artists and makers, they will provide a variety of activities (like art with Hume Art, cupcake decorating, creating painted earrings, fluid art, creating Christmas decorations, making personalised tumblers and creating a mini succulent garden).
We have designed this series to spark imagination, encourage creativity, and most importantly, ensure that the students have a great time. We believe this is a wonderful opportunity for young people to come together, learn new skills, and get into the festive spirit.
Attached, you'll find a calendar of events with all the details, as well as posters that can be shared with students and their families. We would be grateful if you could help spread the word to your students.
We look forward to welcoming many young participants and offering them an unforgettable holiday experience. If you have any questions or would like further information, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Thank you for your support, and we hope to see your students at our workshops.
start-up spark event
workshop series link
Links to individual workshop events ticketing:
- Start up Spark
- Painted earrings with The Wattle Studio
- Cupcake decoration
- Fluid art
- Paint with Hume Art canvas and bauble
- Create a handmade garland and decoration
- Mini succulent garden
- Personalise with Saige N Thyme
Rachel Walton
Community Manager, WorkLife Picton (Thurs-Fri)

Please note that the above is a service to the Community and items advertised do not necessarily carry the endorsement of the College. The College tries to be selective with what is advertised but cannot take responsibility. Please look into events advertised carefully.