Waratah Weekly - Term 1, Edition 9 - Thursday, 28 March 2024
From The Headmaster
Care & Culture - House Points & Resilience
Primary Sports
Performing Arts News
College Musical Tickets
P&F Meeting - Wednesday, 3 April
Careers Spotlight – Alumni Success
ANZAC DAY – Thursday, 25 April 2024
From the College Chaplain
FLOWERS Canteen Volunteer
P&F Clothing Pool
College Sponsors
Community News
From The Headmaster
Wollondilly Anglican College - School Review
This week, you should have received an email from XRef with a link to complete a parent survey about our College. We would greatly appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey. It should only take about 15 minutes, and your responses will be very valuable.
Our College Community
Over the last few weeks, we have experienced some great community-building at the College. Thank you to the many parents who came to the Working Bee, the Prayer Morning and this week's Primary Chapel. Thanks to our wonderful P&F for preparing Sausage Sandwiches for our families. It is always a great encouragement to see so many families coming together and getting to know each other at these events. We are blessed to have a caring and friendly parent and family community at our College.
Have a Happy Easter Break
The four-day mini-term break is a great opportunity to refresh and rest before we finish our term. We are so thankful to God for leading and guiding our College through this year. At Easter, we give thanks to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who willingly gave his own life so that we can be restored to a relationship with God our Father. It may seem strange that we celebrate the death of Jesus, but we do so because it was the only way to save us from our sin against God. We also celebrate his return to life, which demonstrates to us that Jesus conquered death and that for those who believe in Him, there is no more fear of death.
1 Corinthians 15:3-5 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve.
Mr Trevor Norman
College Headmaster
Care & Culture - House Points & Resilience
Overall House Shield Pointscore
The Overall House Shield recognises the contributions of all students at the College in belonging to their House group. It caters for the range of abilities students have and allows them to contribute in areas of strength, not just in a sporting context. The House Shield total is derived from Carnival Points, the Award System, Community Service and Fundraising activities and involvement in College life.
Below is the current point score just based on the Award System.
- Wollemi - 574
- Acacia - 526
- Sollya - 522
- Grevillea - 483
- Telopea - 442
Further points that will be added to the overall total were achieved through donations to WAC Kids Care as part of the Primary Family Chapel. Below are the totals for each house, thank you to all families who supported this initiative.
Primary Family Chapel
- Telopea - 87
- Sollya - 80
- Wollemi - 41
- Grevillea - 39
- Acacia - 13
Learner Disposition
Learner Disposition Focus – Resilient
In Term 1, the College Learner Disposition focus is on being Resilient. An important aspect of being resilient in our learning is Managing Distractions. This week, Mr Philip, Leader of Learning - Mathematics spoke to Stage 4 (Years 7-8) on what distractions they may face and the importance of developing ways to manage distractions in their learning. The information that Mr Philip covered below is a summary of his key messages.
A distraction is something that diverts your attention away from the desired area of focus.
Distractions can be:
- Self
- Others
- Environment
- Disorganisation
- Hunger
- Noise
- Anxiety
You can manage distractions by developing tools and skills:
- Setting goals
- Creating a study schedule
- Creating time for socialising
- Resetting by having small study breaks
- Boundaries with friends and family
- Regular healthy meals (especially breakfast)
- Developing regular good sleep habits
- Recognition of distraction
- Accountability
Mr Liam Toland
Director of Care & Culture T-12
Primary Sports
Years 3-6 Cross Country - Friday, 12 April
On Friday, 12 April, students in Years 3-6 will compete in the 2024 Primary Cross Country on the WACA from 10.45 am to 12.25 pm. Races will begin and finish on the WACA.
Students are required to wear their coloured House shirts and Sports hat. It is recommended students bring their drink bottles and sunscreen.
Parents are very welcome to attend as spectators, however, we request parents refrain from parking on the main access road to the WACA as this will be part of the course for the day.
A timetable for the day is below:
8 and 9 years
- Boys 11.05 am
- Girls 11.10 am
10 years
- Boys 11.20 am
- Girls 11.25 am
11 years
- Boys 11.35 am
- Girls 11.40 am
12 and 13 years
- Boys 11.50 am
- Girls 11.55 am
Depart the WACA at 12.20 pm
Race distances:
- 11, 12 and 13-year-olds run the 3km track
- 8, 9 and 10-year-olds run the 2km track
K-2 Cross Country - Monday, 8 April
On Monday 8 April, students in Years K-2 will compete in the 2024 K-2 Cross Country on the Front Oval (Winning Field) from 1.10 pm to 2.00 pm. Races will begin outside the Kindergarten classrooms of lower Cuthbert and finish at the Deakin Terraces. Students are encouraged to wear their House shirts. Parents are welcome to attend as spectators.
WASP Academy - Wollondilly Anglican Sports Performance Academy: Football (Soccer) begins Term 2!
We are excited to announce the return of WASP. The WASP Academy aims to improve students’ individual sporting skills as well as develop players for our Representative College Sides. In Term 2, we will be running our WASP Football (Soccer) Academy.
Registration information will be available soon.
Primary CIS Swimming Championships
Well done to our WAC Swimmers who represented CASA at the CIS Swimming Championships on Wednesday. They were Jackson Barnes, Camden Frendo, Lily Bartolo, Joe Rebelo, Will Rodden and Harrison Goddard.
3-6 Sports - College Sports opportunities in Term 2
Stage 3 - Gymnastics at the WLC: A permission note will be released shortly.
Stage 2 Girls - Indoor sport at Bridge Street Sports Centre, Picton: A permission note will be released shortly.
Mr James Gooden
Primary Sports Coordinator
Performing Arts News
Primary Family Chapel - Years K-2 Choir and Primary Choir (Years 3-6)
Congratulations to our two Primary Choir Groups on performing beautifully on stage at the Primary Family Chapel on Tuesday evening.
The K-2 group performed ‘The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock’ and the Primary Choir (3-6) performed a stunning rendition of ‘Only a Holy God’ by Cityalight. The smiles on both the students and their families' faces were a great testament to the quality of the performances. Many thanks to the staff who helped prepare the students each week for these performances. Thanks to Mrs Waters and Mrs Buckley for the K-2 group and Mrs Apps and Ms Schlosser with the Primary Choir (3-6).
The Primary Choir (3-6) had been leading Primary Chapel services this term with their song and it was wonderful to see this be performed again on the night.
Whilst students in Years 1-2 have been rehearsing in the K-2 group this term, we are anticipating Kindergarten students to commence attending the group next term. Mrs Waters and Mrs Buckley will coordinate this with Kindergarten teachers.
Congratulations again to those students.
Term 1 - Secondary Formal Assembly
Below is a summary of the solo and ensemble performances as well as WAC Crew members assisting, at the upcoming Term 1 Secondary Formal Assembly scheduled for Wednesday, 10 April.
- College Band (under the direction of Mr Chris Law)
- String Quartet
Solo Performances
- Emily Galea - Piano
- Alyssa Galea - Dance
WAC Crew Students
- Grace D
- Ashton M
Mr Lloyd Grant
Performing Arts Coordinator T-12/Music Teacher
College Musical Tickets
We are excited to announce that tickets for our upcoming musical production of ‘Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Crown Jewel’ are on sale now!
Performance dates include:
- Tuesday, 7 May - commencing at 7.00 pm
- Thursday, 9 May - commencing at 7.00 pm
- Friday, 10 May - commencing at 7.00 pm
- Saturday, 11 May - Matinee performance commencing at 2.00 pm
- Saturday, 11 May - Final evening performance commencing at 7.00 pm
Ticket prices are as follows:
- Adults: $20.00
- Concession/Student: $15.00
- Family (2x Adults and 2x Children): $60.00
Mr Lloyd Grant
Performing Arts Coordinator T-12/Music Teacher
P&F Meeting - Wednesday, 3 April
Thank you to all the families who attended our P&F Social Night on Friday,15 March. It was a great night to connect and build community.
Our next P&F Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 3 April at 6.30 pm in Deakin. All are welcome! You can also join us via Zoom https://tascmeet.zoom.us/
I look forward to seeing you there!
Mr Brandon Cooper
P&F President
Careers Spotlight – Alumni Success
We are always excited to hear of the great things that our Alumni go on to do. This week I wanted to highlight Lachlan Goulding who I had the pleasure of teaching back when he was at the College.
Lachlan has gone on to a very successful career in the Australian Defence Force and was recently recognised for his achievements in receiving the Jonathan Church Good Soldiering Award. This award recognises soldiers who reflect core army values in an above-and-beyond manner.
Here is a quote from Lachlan in the article: “I am just trying to help people that need care. It’s a pretty surreal feeling knowing I have had an international impact on a country’s ability to provide health care.”
It is always fantastic to see students embodying the caring culture that we promote at the College, out in their future careers in the community and beyond. Here is the full article:
Image – Recipients of the Jonathan Church Good Soldiering Award. Alumni Lachlan Goulding is on the far left.
Mr Tim van Netten
Leader of Care & Culture - Stage 6/Secondary English Teacher
ANZAC DAY – Thursday, 25 April 2024
ANZAC Day is a day of national significance and one that marks the anniversary of Australia’s first major military action during World War I. This year, ANZAC Day will be observed on Thursday, Week 2 of the holiday break.
ANZAC Day is a major event in the life of the College and students are encouraged to join us as we remember the men and women who have sought to serve their nation in that first engagement and over the many decades that have followed.
Those students who attend the services in their full winter uniform will be acknowledged with the receipt of a Community Service Award. There will be teachers present at the services and students should get their names marked off the Roll with the attending staff.
A reminder that all students attending these services, may be expected to stand for long periods of time. Please make sure that students eat breakfast before arriving at the location (even if it is a quick slice of toast or a piece of fruit). Another great tip is to wiggle your toes often as this keeps your circulation going and you are less likely to faint.
PICTON March & Service:
Assemble in the car park behind the Picton Hotel between 6.00 am and 6.15 am in preparation for the March which will commence at 6.30 am sharp. As there will be a significant number of WAC students attending this march, it is asked that students please be prompt and have their names marked off by the staff in attendance.
Parents of K-2 children are asked to collect their child at the gate of the park after the march as we enter the park, before the service commences. Mrs Buckley and Miss Smith will be attending
Hill Top Dawn Service:
Please meet at 5.45 am for the service to commence at 6.00 am at Hill Top Memorial Hall. A Year 12 student will deliver the address at this Service.
Camden Dawn Service:
Please meet at 5.00 am at the Camden Bicentennial Equestrian Park Memorial, Cawdor Road, Camden. Service commences at 5.15 am. Mr Clarke and Mrs Frederiksen will be attending.
Camden March:
Those who would like to march are asked to assemble in Elizabeth Street, Camden between Mitchell and Elizabeth Streets from 10.15 am with the march commencing at 10.30 am. The march will then move to Camden Bicentennial Equestrian Park for the commencement of the ANZAC Day Commemoration Service at 11.15 am.
Mittagong Dawn Service:
Meet from 5.15 am at the Cenotaph, Hume Highway, Mittagong. Service commences 5.30 am. Mrs Miller will be attending.
Mittagong March:
The march for Mittagong traditionally assembles at the Tourist Information Centre on the Old Hume Highway at 10.15 am for a 10.30 am start. The start location and route are still being finalised, but the RSL envisage that it will be back to the traditional time and route. A community service will follow at 10.45 am. Mrs Tooth, Mr Grant and Mrs Lloyd will be attending.
Thirlmere Service:
Please meet at 4.45 am at the Thirlmere Memorial Park, Oaks Street Thirlmere. Service commences at 5.00 am.
Bargo Sports Club.
The Service commences at 10.15 am. Staff in attendance are to be confirmed. Please arrive at 10.00 am.
Students from across the College are encouraged to participate and join with the community in this important commemoration.
Please note that parents are responsible for all transport to and from ANZAC Day events and for the supervision of their child whilst at the event.
It is too early to determine the weather forecast for these events, but a reminder that if the weather is forecast to be warm, taking a bottle of water is a good idea.
It is understood that students may attend a variety of services to commemorate ANZAC Day, both locally and further afield. If a student attends a service and a photo is made available of them representing the College by wearing their full winter uniform, they too will be acknowledged by receiving a Community Service Award. Email ANZAC Day images to d.aquilina@wac.nsw.edu.au.
Mr Daniel Aquilina
Secondary Humanities Teacher/Year 7 Patron
From the College Chaplain
The College Learner Disposition focus for Term 1 is Resilience. This is a habit that we are working on developing and cultivating in our students. Enduring and persevering with challenges in learning, character and faith all support these areas of growth.
This week I had the privilege of taking five students who attend the Years 5-6 Lunchtime Christian Group to a CRUFIT training day held at Broughton Anglican College. The day was all about equipping and encouraging them in their Christian journey. The day highlighted how important it is to spend time with other Christians and how it's a pivotal way in which we grow in our faith.
Often, the biggest growth occurs as we persevere through challenges. Through challenges, we have an opportunity to grow in our resilience, and in our capacity to bounce back. Confidence in our convictions is formed when we're tested. The Bible makes it clear that the Christian life will not be free of difficulty or challenge, that's why the author of Hebrews says, "Let us consider how we may spur each other on toward love and good deeds". We need the encouragement and support of a loving and caring community especially when we experience hardship. One of the ways that God works is through His people trusting and asking for His power, so that they may effectively love and care for one another.
As Christians, our faith grows and our character is refined as we endure adversity so that we might grow more like Jesus as a result of His power working for us. But at the same time, God, in His great mercy, gives us an opportunity to demonstrate through our actions, in front of a rapidly growing audience, the reason for the hope we have. What is that reason? An all-powerful and loving God deeply cares for us and He calls us to place our trust in Him.
What's your reason for enduring hardship? Are your actions motivated by a relationship with the eternal, all-powerful living God or are they motivated by something else? God deeply cares for you, how are you going to respond?
Mr Matthew Roberts
College Chaplain
FLOWERS Canteen Volunteer
At the FLOWERS Canteen, we are always looking for volunteers to work in our Canteen to prepare nutritious lunches for our hungry growing children and to serve over the counter.
We are looking for someone to join our friendly team on a Tuesday morning, after drop-off around 8.30 am till about 11.00 am. We would very much appreciate the extra help. It's easy and fun work with on-the-job training. If you can dedicate this time on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis please reach out.
All volunteers' efforts are rewarded with a healthy snack and plenty of tea and coffee. If you are interested, please email me at e.dealmeida@wac.nsw.edu.au
Mrs Emma De Almeida
Canteen Manager
P&F Clothing Pool
The Clothing Pool offers a selection of pre-loved uniform items from Transition to Year 12 at very reasonable prices. We also stock new ties and socks for purchase. The Clothing Pool relies on donations of uniforms and needs volunteers to keep the Clothing Pool open. Donations can be left at the Clothing Pool during opening hours or at Student Reception at other times.
If you would like to join our happy volunteers, please contact the Clothing Pool via the email below or pop into the Clothing Pool for a chat while we are open. We are currently seeking another volunteer for Thursday mornings, so if you can spare an hour in the morning, please make contact. It is an easy way to help out and to be a valuable part of the College community!
Payment: Card Only (no cash)
Location: White Cottage through the side windows
Monday to Friday 7.45 am to 8.30 am
Phone: 4623 0286
Email: clothingpool@wac.nsw.edu.au
Mrs Melissa Whishaw
P&F Clothing Pool Coordinator
College Sponsors
Community News
Wollondilly Library Youth Week Events
- Tuesday, 16 April
- 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm, Wollondilly Library
- Exercise your creativity in this 2-hour collage workshop led by local multi-disciplinary artist Freya Jobbins.
- Your collages will feature hybrid creatures created from the combining of humans and the animal world. Both comical and uncanny, your works will stretch the imagination while also including local landscapes of the Wollondilly.
- Wednesday, 17 April
- 10.30 am – 12.00 pm, Wollondilly Library
- This seminar presented by Larry Grumley will provide HSC English students some valuable advice in preparation for their upcoming HSC Trials and HSC English Exams.
The 90 minute session will cover the Common Module: Texts and Human Experiences (HSC English Paper 1) as well as essay writing and other relevant tips for the HSC English Paper 2.
Living Stories 2024: The Writing Workshops
- Thursday, 18 April
- 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm (ages 10-15)
- 4.00 pm – 5.30 pm (ages 16+)
- Wollondilly Library
- WestWords and WestLit Libraries are offering free 90-minute creative writing workshops at Wollondilly Library as part of the 2024 Living Stories Western Sydney Writing Prize. These workshops are intended to help writers gain confidence and skills in their creative writing, especially with a large writing prize just around the corner.
- Saturday, 20 April
- 4.00 pm – 9.00 pm
- Picton Botanic Gardens
- Attending the Rock the Dilly Youth Week Festival?
Pop in to see Library staff at the event with the Mobile Library. Browse, borrow or just chill out for a moment.
Wollondilly Junior AFC
Are you looking for a tight-knit community of like-minded, fun-seeking competitive people?
Look no further than Wollondilly Junior AFC.
We are the only AFL Club in Wollondilly. We’re a family-oriented club with a focus on sportsmanship, community and having fun!
We've been a place of fun and competition in the community since 1982.
We cater to all kids aged 5-17 with all abilities from beginners to advanced. We have boys, girls and mixed teams.
Get fit, have fun and make friends!
For more information visit www.WJAFC.com.au or email info@wjafc.com.au.
Inspire Physie & Dance
Inspire Physie & Dance is a new APDA (Australian Physie & Dance) club in the Wollondilly Shire. All new people are welcome to come and have two free trial lessons. For any questions, please speak to Rhonda Hay in the College Office. See the schedule below.
Bargo Bunnies Junior RLFC
✨2024 Registration Days✨
Join us for the 2024 season by registering your child to play with the Bargo Bunnies JRLC
Returning members are encouraged to re-register online.
Where: Bargo Sportsgrounds - Dressing Sheds - 96 Radnor Road, Bargo.
It’s our 10 Year Anniversary and it’s going to be a big one! We have a special edition jersey and are organising anniversary celebrations.
✔️We are fielding teams from u/6 to u/12 with expressions of interest in u/13 and u/14.
✔️FREE membership, which includes insurance, playing jersey, player polo, socks and shorts👏🏻
✔️If you’re a new player, you go into the draw to win a $200 SportsPower Picton voucher and returning players can win a $100 SportsPower voucher💸
Enquiries please email bargobunniesjrlfc@gmail.com or call Pete on 0414 251 122 or Wade on 0408 690 382 or message us on our Facebook page 📱
BJP Physie
Yerrinbool-Bargo Soccer Club
Yerrinbool-Bargo Soccer Club is now accepting registrations for the 2024 season. Register online to secure your spot now! For more information, visit https://www.facebook.
Beyond The 80
Join Beyond the 80 – a FREE 10-week journey to a healthier lifestyle! For girls aged 7-11 and their families in Western Sydney. Boost your rugby league skills and embrace healthy lifestyle activities together.
Click here to join or for more information. Limited spots are available – Enrol now!
Buxton Netball Club
South West Sydney Orchestras
Please note that the above is a service to the Community and items advertised do not necessarily carry the endorsement of the College. The College tries to be selective with what is advertised but cannot take responsibility. Please look into events advertised carefully.